display: basicsource
type: type
display-env0: display-env
display-env1: display-env
display-env2: display-env
gif-tag0: gs-gif-tag
draw0: draw-env
gif-tag1: gs-gif-tag
draw1: draw-env
gif-tag2: gs-gif-tag
draw2: draw-env
on-screen: int32
last-screen: int32
frames: virtual-frame
bg-clear-color: rgba
real-frame-counter: time-frame
base-frame-counter: time-frame
game-frame-counter: time-frame
integral-frame-counter: time-frame
real-integral-frame-counter: time-frame
actual-frame-counter: time-frame
real-actual-frame-counter: time-frame
part-frame-counter: time-frame
old-real-frame-counter: time-frame
old-base-frame-counter: time-frame
old-game-frame-counter: time-frame
old-integral-frame-counter: time-frame
old-real-integral-frame-counter: time-frame
old-actual-frame-counter: time-frame
old-real-actual-frame-counter: time-frame
old-part-frame-counter: time-frame
time-ratio: float
seconds-per-frame: float
frames-per-second: float
time-factor: float
time-adjust-ratio: float
set-time-ratios(obj: display, slowdown: float) => floatsource
Set the time ratios for the current game speed. For example, set slowdown = 1.0 if the game
is running at full speed or slowdown = 2.0 if the game is running at half speed.
display-env: structuresource
display-frame: basicsource
type: type
calc-buf: dma-buffer
vu1-buf: dma-buffer
debug-buf: dma-buffer
global-buf: dma-buffer
bucket-group: inline-array
buffer: dma-buffer
profile-bar: profile-bar
run-time: int64
draw-env: structuresource
frame1: gs-frame
frame1addr: gs-reg64
zbuf1: gs-zbuf
zbuf1addr: gs-reg64
xyoffset1: gs-xy-offset
xyoffset1addr: gs-reg64
scissor1: gs-scissor
scissor1addr: gs-reg64
prmodecont: gs-prmode-cont
prmodecontaddr: gs-reg64
colclamp: gs-color-clamp
colclampaddr: gs-reg64
dthe: gs-dthe
dtheaddr: gs-reg64
test1: gs-test
test1addr: gs-reg64
virtual-frame: structuresource
put-draw-env(packet: pointer) => nonesource
Begin DMA transfer to the GIF/GS to send a draw env packet.
The length of the transfer is taken from the nloop field of the tag.
*post-draw-hook*: functionsource
*pre-draw-hook*: functionsource
allocate-dma-buffers(arg0: display) => displaysource
Allocate the main DMA buffers!
draw-quad2d(buf: dma-buffer, context: draw-context) => nonesource
Draw a quad that fills the entire context
draw-sprite2d-xy(buf: dma-buffer, x: int, y: int, w: int, h: int, color: rgba) => nonesource
Draw a sprite primitive with the given color and dimensions.
get-current-time() => time-framesource
Get the in game time. This advances when the game is unpaused.
This increases at the same rate for PAL/NTSC and if the game is lagging.
get-integral-current-time() => time-framesource
Get the game time as a number of frames. This advances at different rates for PAL/NTSC.
This counts the number of actual vsyncs done by the PS2, including ones that are missed due to lag.
put-display-alpha-env(arg0: display-env) => nonesource
Set display1 and dspfb1 directly, right now.
This is unused.
reset-display-gs-state(disp: display, dma-buf: dma-buffer, oddeven: int) => displaysource
Set the gs state back to something reasonable
screen-gradient(arg0: dma-buffer, arg1: rgba, arg2: rgba, arg3: rgba, arg4: rgba) => nonesource
Fill the screen with a sprite with the given colors.
set-display(disp: display, psm: int, w: int, h: int, ztest: int, zpsm: int) => displaysource
Set up the entire display structure, both draw and display envs